Title: Motivational Interviewing Training Course: Improving Provider-Patient Conversations about Vaccines
Training 1: Live Sessions November 1 & 8, from 9-12 CT Training 2: Live Sessions December 8 & 15, from 12-3 CT Training 3: Live Sessions January 10 & 17, from 12-3 CT
CE: Continuing education credit for multiple disciplines will be provided for this event. Details below.
Cost: FREE
Presented by: Jane Gray, PhD
About the Training:
Clover’s Motivational Interview Training course is designed to familiarize healthcare providers in Motivational Interviewing techniques to target health behavior change among patients experiencing ambivalence about health care choices, including vaccines. Participants will have the opportunity to develop and practice the skills of MI using written and interactive training methods.
Educational Objectives:
- Define Motivational Interviewing
- Identify how MI can be used in current public health practice
- Define the four processes of MI
- Practice strategies to decrease sustain talk and increase change talk
About Dr. Gray:
Jane Gray, PhD is a psychologist and a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers. Dr. Gray is the Director of Clinical Training for the School and Counseling Psychology doctoral programs and an Assistant Professor of Practice at the University of Texas at Austin. She has over 15 years of clinical experience and over 10 years of training and supervision experience, including teaching students, residents, and healthcare professionals specifically in Motivational Interviewing. In her role as a training director for a pediatric psychology program, Motivational Interviewing was integrated into the curriculum, including an integrated behavioral health training program that included medical residents. In her current role, Dr. Gray helps lead a cross-campus integrated health training program at UT Austin/Dell Medical School and has had multiple federal training grants focused on training future healthcare professionals. She provides MI training to learners from various disciplines and training levels.