Compassion Fatigue- Tired of it all
Presented by Dr. Mary Collins
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Please click the course video below to watch the course presentation, and then complete the Post-Test in order to obtain your CE certificate.
During these unprecedented times, many people have found themselves facing an onslaught of new stressors and added decisions. Compassion and empathy are critical components to building relationships and working effectively, but what happens when we are depleted and find ourselves withdrawing from others? Added stressors can lead to or exacerbate feelings of exhaustion and of being overly stressed, leading to difficulties making good choices. Independently or in combination, Compassion and Decision Fatigue each can impact our relationships, life satisfaction, and overall wellbeing. During this hour, we will identify the signs and symptoms of Compassion and Decision Fatigue, work to understand their impact on functioning, and problem-solve solutions for managing Compassion and Decision Fatigue through self-care.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the signs and symptoms of Compassion & Decision Fatigue
- Understand the impact of Compassion & Decision Fatigue on functioning
- Problem solve solutions for managing Compassion & Decision Fatigue through self-care
Presented by Dr. Mary Collins
Dr. Mary Collins is a licensed psychologist and Senior Staff Consultant with Clover Educational Consulting Group. She is the owner of Comhar Counseling in Glenview, IL, focusing on transitional spaces that clients face and ensuing anxieties, relational difficulties, and self-perceptions that often arise. Additionally, she worked for 10 years with students during the capstone of their doctoral degree as they transitioned into professionals, helping them develop work-life balance and a stronger sense of self in their work.
Alvis, D. (2020, March). Compassion Fatigue: Certification Training for Healthcare, Mental Health and Caring Professionals [PDF document]. Retrieved from PESI Online Website:
American Psychological Association. (2020, May) Stress in America 2020: Stress in the Time of COVID-19, Vol. One. Retrieved from
Asprey, D. (2020). 30 Ways to Avoid Decision Fatigue (So You’ll Stop Eating Fistfuls of Twinkies) [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Figley, C.R., Figley, K.R. (2017, October). Compassion Fatigue Resilience. The Oxford Handbook of Compassion Science. Oxford Handbooks Online.
Johnson, J. (2020, July 6). What is Decision Fatigue? Medical News Today. Retrieved from
Lamothe, C. (2019, October 3). Understanding Decision Fatigue. Healthline. Retrieved from
Peters, Brandon. (2020, March 17). How Much Sleep Adults Need on Average to be Rested. Very Well Health. Retrieved from
Smith, G. (2020, May 28). More People are Experiencing Compassion Fatigue in Quarantine. Here’s How to Cope. Healthline. Retrieved from
Virtual Youth Mental Health First Aid. (2020, October). YMHFA Manual: Self-Care for the Mental Health First Aider (pp. 61-63). National Council for Behavioral Health: Washington, D.C.